


  • Get Rid of Files and Embrace the new way of storing students details on the cloud
  • Store Complete Students Details with profile pictures, student’s history, previous achievements e.t.c
  • Parents Details and Contacts
  • Share Students details seamlessly between the various system modules e.g exams, finance ensuring students registration is done only once at a common point


  • Automates your roll call/attendance registers with automated reporting in graphs, charts and tables.
  • Automates Leave outs checking system integrated with the SMS messaging platform informing the parent on the whereabouts of the child via real time SMS alerts. Parents are notified both when a student leaves the school and when the student arrives at the school. This curbs the menace of students getting unnecessary leave outs
  • Integrates roll call/attendance registers with finance module to track those who should be away for fees related matters yet they are present in the roll call thus replacing the traditional meal cards system.
  • The principal/Administrator can tell who is present/absent from school at any particular time at the click of a button
  • Parents no longer need to worry of their sons’ /daughters’ whereabouts. They will be notified via SMS
classroom attendance
Discipline Module

Discipline Module

  • Get rid of traditional black books….Have disciplinary cases recorded the new way
  • Have disciplinary records module integrated with the SMS messaging platform to send the parent automated SMS alerts in case of serious disciplinary measures, penaulties, punishments, suspensions and the likes.

Examination Module

  • A teacher can now enter marks from any location using any device that can access the web be it a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC…..no more travelling to school to enter marks
  • Each teacher has a unique username and password with user rights that allow him/her to enter only the subjects allocated in the respective classes he/she teaches.
  • One overall exams system administrator-the director of studies with rights to process results and manage users (teachers).
  • Get automated marks processing system that can rank any combination of exams via Total Points, Grouped Points(National Exams Council Standard) or Total marks to give result slips/report forms, detailed subjects’ performance analysis, broadsheets, gender based analysis e.t.c all integrated with bulk SMS platform to send exam results to the respective parent per student via SMS in real time.
  • Result slip /Report form details include a student’s position in every subject, performance history trends in a graph and a table, passport size photos e.t.c.
  • Curb the menace of results not reaching the parent or a parent getting edited results by sending authentic, branded results SMS (name of the school as the sender) all at the click of a button.
  • Have the data stored safely in the cloud where it can be accessed anytime from anywhere. No more worries of viruses, formatted computers or loss of computers…..data can be freely accessed from any computer provided proper login details are available.
Examination Module
Fee Management

Fee Management

  • Get automated billing based on the fees structure
  • Auto distribution of money paid into various vote heads in order of on their preset priority(the first being Arreas and the last Prepayments)
  •  Auto generated fees receipts, fee balance lists, fees registers, proforma invoices
  • Auto generated cash books, trial balances, bank statements for reconciliation, vote heads analysis, balance sheets, bursaries reports e.t.c with formats based on government policies and regulations.
  • Automated income and expenditure accounts for all school accounts e.g Tuition, Operations and Boarding with Cashbooks and trial balances for each of these accounts based on government policies and regulations
  • Automated charts, graphs and tables indicating payment trends, vote heads analysis, percentage income and expenditure and income vs. expenditure trends.
  • Automated Fee balance reminders via SMS for parents with fee balance above a preset figure
  • Integrated with banking platforms and mobile money payments to read fees payment from bank statements rather than individual fees payment bank slips or bankers cheques. Parents don’t have to submit banking slips any more…the school can acquire payment details from the bank statements…parents will get SMS notifications (E-receipts acknowledgement) from the school once the payment has been recorded in the system while the hard copy receipt is issued to the student.
  • Have the data stored safely in the cloud where it can be accessed anytime from anywhere. No more worries of viruses, formatted computers or loss of computers…..data can be freely accessed from any computer provided proper login details are available.
  • The school administrator /principal or the bursar/accountant can now access financial records from any location using any device that can access the web be it a tablet, smartphone, laptop or PC…..no more travelling to school access financial records.


  • Automated calculation of Gross Salary, additional allowances, Statutory deductions, P.A.Y.E deductions, N.H.I.F deductions, N.S.S.F deductions, additional deductions and net salaries
  • Automated generation of pay slips, entire payroll and payroll per bank to be presented to the bank alongside a payments cheque to credit employee’s salary accounts.
Payroll Management System


  • Automated recording, stocking, re-stocking and  issuance of items with auto generated reports per item showing date re-stocked, date issued, by whom and to whom and the item balance
  • Automated reminders on items about to run out of stock for timely re-stocking

Pocket money manager

  • Automated recording of student’s pocket money with automated reports such as amount of money recorded and date recorded; amount issued and date issued, pocket money receipts, pocket money balance per student, pocket money statement per student and overall pocket money balance lists for all students. e.t.c
pockect money manager
Library & Books Manager

Library & Books Manager

  • Get rid of the manual clearance forms and use automated books records to record information such as books issued (to whom and date due for both short term and long term), available books e.t.c
  • Get automated books clearance reports per student indicating the book, date issued, by whom and date returned- for easier clearance of students from one office rather than by individual teachers.

Branded Bulk SMS Communication(Name of School/Institution as the Sender ID)

  • Send automated SMS notices to all parents, parents per class or stream or parents for a specific group of students in case of AGMs, academic clinics or any urgent communication.
  • Send Exam Results to the respective parent of each student via SMS at the click of a button.
  • Send Fee Balance Reminders to the respective parent of each student via SMS at the click of a button.
  • Integrate with any of the above modules for the respective SMS notices and alerts.
bulk smses
time table


  • Get rid of Collisions or double allocations by automating the timetable generation process.
  • Enter parameters such as:
    • Classes, Subjects offered in the institution, staffing resources, Room categories and Room details- the class, the subject/course, the subject teacher, the room in which the subject will be taught (Room can be a category having several rooms or Room being a specific place)
    • The number of a lessons/units per week for a given subject/course
    • The number of quadruples/triples/doubles or  singles for a given subject/course
    • Time priorities of a given subject/course e.g. one can define mathematics to be given morning-hours priority;
    • Time interval when a teacher should be free
    • Time slots (time intervals for breaks, lunch and games time).
  • The system uses the above parameters to generate Overall institution timetable, Class timetable, Timetable per teacher, Room Timetable in various formats